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10 Stories We Are Following this AM 1-27-23

In this episode Scott Becker discusses:

  1. Futures point down today after an outstanding day in the markets yesterday.
  2. Tesla’s stock rose 10 percent yesterday.
  3. Intel’s stock fell 5 percent after missing estimates.
  4. GDP rose 2.9% in the fourth quarter. A welcome sign that the Fed can fight inflation without killing growth.
  5. Buzzfeed rose 150% on news that it would move some of its writing and content to AI driven writing.
  6. Listen to our podcast today on how key great partners and team mates are to business. And how bad colleagues can be a cancer to organizations.
  7. Excited to see the Becker’s Healthcare podcast reach nine million downloads this month. God bless Jessica Cole every day.
  8. Seeking part time sales help for our non business line Becker Business Minute Podcast & Becker Private Equity PodcastListen today to four business minute podcasts on subjects such as
  9. Things are heating up already between Salesforce and Elliot Management. This may be the least surprising headline this am.
  10. We are planning a webinar on key thoughts on investing 2023. Can’t wait. It will be a chapter from our latest book.


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Becker Business Minute Podcast

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